A Case Story of Monitoring and Reporting on 466 Facebook Campaigns in a Single Month

In December 2020, Danish publisher Lindhardt & Ringhof ran 466 Facebook Campaigns to promote newly launched books

In general, December is a busy month, but even more so at Lindhardt & Ringhof who ran 466 Facebook campaigns on two brands: Lindhardt & Ringhof and Forlaget Carlsen. Being one of the biggest publishers in Denmark, they must create awareness and showcase their broad catalog of books. To do that month after month is very demanding.

First, it requires a great team that knows all about paid social, how to multitask, and how to keep an eye on the ball.   But even the best teams need great tools to help them out.

Getting an overview of almost 500 Facebook campaigns and report back to stakeholders is not an easy job in native Ad Managers or Excel.

That's why Lindhardt & Ringhof started using deepdivr in the summer of 2020. Six months later, they rated deepdivr 10/10 in NPS and 5/5 on G2.

Customer Cathrine
Quotation Mark Icon
deepdivr provides a great overview of campaigns and makes optimization of paid social super easy. Furthermore, the platform makes it possible to customize your own dashboards for campaign KPI’s and benchmarking.

The customer service is also extremely helpful with regular follow-ups, which is awesome! Furthermore, the platform makes it super easy to create quick, manageable and good-looking reports.
Cathrine Burhøj Jerris
CRM & Marketing Automation Manager

Three key priorities for L&R

  • Get a better overview of performance
  • Save time on reporting
  • Get learnings and keep improving
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1. Get a Better Overview of Performance

When Lindhardt & Ringhof are handling 466 campaigns – and even more ad sets - in a month it’s almost impossible to keep track of everything in native Ad Managers consisting of lots of numbers in rows and columns. A lack of overview increases the risk of missing important performance indicators, leading to poor results.

Using deepdivr’s customizable dashboards made it a lot easier for the team to monitor and optimize the campaigns. In just moments, the team could dive deep, create breakdowns and gain actionable insights to assess if adjustments to the campaigns were needed.

deepdivr dashboard

2. Save Time on Reporting

Being a big publisher, Lindhardt & Ringhof has many stakeholders who needs to be informed about the results for specific books and genres.

In deepdivr, it only takes seconds to share a dashboard online or download into a good-looking PowerPoint report with visualizations that makes it easy to understand the results – for both marketing and non-marketing professionals.  

Running that many campaigns each month, deepdivr makes sure Lindhardt & Ringhof saves a lot of hours each month.

L&R Case IMage

3. Get learnings and keep improving

“Besides the fact that deepdivr saves us a lot of time on reporting, it enables us to learn from all the campaigns we run. The platform gives us insights that make it clear how we can adjust upcoming campaigns.

To give an example, we noticed big differences in who we most often reach and those who really engage in our content. That gave us ideas to how we could improve the targeting and budget split for the next big campaign.”

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”Extremely valuable and intuitive tool for paid social optimization and reporting”

“deepdivr provides a great overview of campaigns and makes optimization of paid social super easy. Furthermore, the platform makes it possible to customize your own dashboards for campaign KPI’s and benchmarking.

The customer service is also extremely helpful with regular follow-ups, which is awesome! Furthermore, the platform makes it super easy to create quick, manageable and good-looking reports.”

Customer Cathrine
Cathrine Burhøj Jerris
CRM & Marketing Automation Manager
Illustration Processing
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